After all of the items from the initial inspection have been completed and approved, a final inspection must be approved before the home can be occupied. The following are required for final inspection:
Permanent address numbers must be posted on the home. If the home is more than 75 feet from the road or street, the numbers must also be placed at the driveway.
All exterior doors are required to have steps or ramps. Handrails are required on all open sides of steps of four or more risers when the elevation of the top of the uppermost riser is more than 30 inches above the floor or grade below. A minimum 36-by-36 inch landing is required at the top of all exterior steps where any exterior door (except storm or screen doors) swings out over the steps.
Ground around the perimeter of home must be graded so that the surface water will drain away from the home.
All electrical, plumbing, and mechanical connections should be made and the home should be 100% complete (except for aesthetics such as paint, wallpaper, etc.)