Faith Connections

 About Faith Connections

Faith Connections focuses on communication, coordination and enhanced service delivery to help fill the gap beyond routine services provided by Wilson County DSS.

The program design links financial assistance provided by local churches (referred to as Partners in Ministry) directly to recipients through a streamlined intake process while strengthening a faith-based community partnership in Wilson County.

Faith Connections does not work directly with agency customers. The referring agency and the Wilson County DSS worker are Faith
Connections customers.

Partnering Benefits

Partnering with Faith Connections allows our partners in ministry to reduce their intake and financial assistance process. They instead refer families and individuals to Wilson County DSS for screening and assessment of eligibility for Federal or State programs , as well as assistance through Faith Connections. This process minimizes duplication of services and helps reduce fraud.

Our Services

Target populations include families/individuals identified as having a financial need or crisis who live in Wilson County. Faith Connections can serve across county lines as long as there is a referral from a partnering agency/church that has an ongoing relationship with a customer and a specific goal for that customer.

Type of assistance:

· Furniture
· Clothing
· Food Boxes
· Rent
· Utilities
· Prescriptions & Medical Supplies
· Counseling/Mentorship Referrals
· Other crisis needs